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Table Updater

Consider a scenario where you have a form with different fields and tables, and you want to perform certain actions when one of the fields changes. This function "c11change()" helps us with that. Let's go through each step:

function c11change(){
var c10=parseInt($("#c10").text());
var c11=parseInt($("#c11").val());
var tbl01=document.getElementById("tbl01");
var tbl02=document.getElementById("tbl02");
var tbl3=document.getElementById("tbl3");
if(c11 || c11==0){
var ct = tbl01.children.length;
var pc20 = parseInt($("#c20").text());
var pc21 = parseInt($("#c21").val());
var c20 = c11+1;
var diff=ct-c11;
$("#tbl02 tr:first").before(tbl01.lastElementChild);
else if(c11>=ct){
var t=pc21-ct;
<td><input class="form-control input-sm exp" type="number" min="0" max="100" step="1"/></td>\
var diff=c11-pc21;
var c=pc21+1;
<td><input class="form-control input-sm exp" type="number" min="0" max="100" step="1"/></td>\
var diff=c11-ct;
$("input.exp").on("keyup", expkeyup);
$("input.exp").on("change", perform);

var ct1 = tbl01.children.length;
var ct2 = tbl02.children.length;
tbl3.children[0].children[0].innerText="1 to "+ct1;
tbl3.children[1].children[0].innerText=(ct1+1)+" to "+(ct1+ct2);
  1. We start by getting the value from a special field called "c10" and converting it to a number. It's like looking at a specific spot and reading a number written there.

  2. Next, we get the value from another field called "c11" and convert it to a number as well.

  3. Then, we find three special tables called tbl01, tbl02, and tbl3. These tables have rows and columns, and we use a special code called document.getElementById() to find them.

  4. Now, we check if the value of "c11" exists or if it's equal to zero. If it does, we perform some actions inside this condition.

  5. First, we check if the value of "c11" is less than or equal to the value of "c10". If it is, we set the value of "c11" to be the same as "c10" and update the field with this new value.

  6. We calculate the number of rows in the tbl01 table and store it in a variable called "ct". It's like counting how many rows are there in the table.

  7. We also get the value from a field called c20 and convert it to a number. This field is located somewhere else, and we read the number written there.

  8. We check if the value of another field called c21 is empty. If it is, we calculate its value by adding the value of pc20 (which is another number we obtained from a different spot) with the number of rows in the "tbl02" table minus 1.

  9. We set the value of "c20" to be one more than the value of "c11". It's like incrementing the number by one and updating the field with this new value.

  10. We check if c11 is less than the number of rows in tbl01. If it is, we perform a series of actions inside this condition.

  11. We calculate the difference between the number of rows in tbl01 and c11. It's like finding out how many rows we need to add or remove.

  12. We move rows from the top of the tbl02 table to the bottom of the tbl01 table based on the calculated difference. It's like moving objects from one place to another.

  13. If c11 is not less than the number of rows in tbl01, we perform a different set of actions inside this condition.

  14. We check if c11 is greater than or equal to a number called pc21. If it is, we perform a series of actions inside this condition.

  15. We calculate the difference between c11 and the number of rows in tbl01. It's like finding out how many rows we need to add.

  16. We add rows to the tbl01 table based on the calculated difference. The number in the first column of each new row starts from c20 and increments by one for each row added.

  17. We also add a new row to the tbl02 table. It contains two columns: one with the value of c20 and another with an input field. It's like adding a new row to the table and filling it with values

We have successfully understood the Table Updater function! Let's move on and understand the Table Row Updater function of the Fill My Cycle.