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The avg(tbl) function helps us find the average of numbers in a table, make sure it's not too small, adjust it to be an even number if needed, and then put the result in a specific input field. Imagine you have a special table with rows of numbers, and you want to find average of those numbers. This function will help us with that.

function avg(tbl){
var s=0,n=tbl.children.length;
for(var i=0;i<n;i++){
s+= parseInt(tbl.children[i].lastElementChild.firstElementChild.value);
return false;
if(s<20) s=20;
if(s%2!=0) {

Now let's go through each lines of the code:

  1. We start by getting a table, which is like a special chart with rows and columns. We call this table tbl. It's the table we want to work with and perform some actions on.

  2. We create two special variables, "s" and "n". s will help us keep track of the sum of numbers, and n will keep track of how many rows there are in the table. We start with both variables set to 0.

  3. Now, we go through each row of the table one by one. We start counting from 0 and keep going until we reach the last row. For each row, we do something special.

  4. We check if the first input field in the row has a value in it. It's like looking at the box in that row and seeing if there's a number inside. If there is, we take that number and add it to our sum variable "s". But if there's nothing inside the box, we stop everything and return "false". It means there's a problem, like a missing number.

  5. After going through all the rows, we divide the sum "s" by the total number of rows "n" to find the average. It's like adding up all the numbers and then dividing the total by how many numbers there are.

  6. Next, we check if the average is less than 20. If it is, we set it to 20. It means that even if the average is really small, it should be at least 20.

  7. Now, we check if the average is an odd number. If it is, we do some special adjustments to make it an even number. If the average is slightly less than an even number (like 21.3), we subtract the remainder (in this case, 1) to make it an even number (20). But if the average is slightly more than an even number (like 22.7), we add the difference (in this case, 0.3) to make it the next even number (24).

  8. After all these calculations, we check which table we were working with. If it's a table called tbl01, we find a special input field called ip1 and put the average value there. But if it's a different table, we find a different input field called ip2 and put the average value there.

We have successfully understood the Average function! Let's move on and understand the Perform function of the Fill My Cycle.