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Table Manager

The check_man() function checks and manages values in two tables. It calculates some values for each table and performs an action with the calculated results. It's like checking and handling the values in a organized way! This function checks and manages values in two tables. Let's go through each step:

function check_man(){
var tbl1=document.getElementById("tbl1");
var tbl2=document.getElementById("tbl2");
var w=[];
  1. We start by finding a table with the ID "tbl1" and storing it in the variable "tbl1". It's like picking the first table.

  2. Then, we find another table with the ID "tbl2" and store it in the variable "tbl2". It's like picking the second table.

  3. We create an empty array called "w". It's like having a list to store values.

  4. We calculate some values for the first table using the cal_man() function and store the result in the first element of the "w" array (at index 0).

  5. Similarly, we calculate some values for the second table using the cal_man() function and store the result in the second element of the "w" array (at index 1).

  6. Finally, we call the cycle() function, passing the calculated values from the first table (w[0]) and the second table (w[1]) as arguments. It's like performing some action with those values.

We have successfully understood the Table Manager function! Let's move on and understand the Table Transformation function of the Fill My Cycle.