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The perform() function helps us find and work with specific tables, calculate the averages of the numbers in those tables, and then move on to perform additional actions using the "check()" function. It's like a script for a show, where we do things in a specific order to make everything work smoothly!

function perform(){
var tbl01=document.getElementById("tbl01");
var tbl02=document.getElementById("tbl02");

Let's go through each step of the code:

  1. First, we find a table called tbl01. It's like a special chart with rows and columns. We use a special code called document.getElementById() to find this table.

  2. Then, we do something special with this table. We call another function called avg(tbl01). It's like telling someone to find the average of the numbers in that table. So, we're asking for the average of all the numbers in the table tbl01.

  3. We repeat the same process with another table called tbl02. We find it using the same special code .getElementById() and then call the avg(tbl02) function to find the average of the numbers in that table too.

  4. After finding the averages of both tables, we move on to the next task. We call another function called check(). It's like asking someone to perform a checklist or a set of instructions.

  5. Inside the check() function, there might be more instructions and actions happening, this function helps us find things on a web page, move around when we type, do some calculations, and maybe show us some results later.

We have successfully understood the Perform function! Let's move on and understand the Table Updater function of the Fill My Cycle.