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About TCET Linux

TCET Linux is GNU/Linux distribution, based on Arch Linux built for enhancing college infrastructure and promoting Linux in software engineering education.

Here are some key features :

1) Desktop Environment (XFCE): TCET Linux uses the XFCE desktop environment, known for its lightweight and intuitive design. Customize your desktop, panels, and appearance to suit your preferences.

2) Thunar File Manager: Manage your files efficiently with Thunar, a user-friendly file manager. Learn keyboard shortcuts and file operations for a seamless experience.

3) Terminal Theme (Starship): TCET Linux features the Starship prompt, enhancing your terminal experience with useful information and a clean, modern look.

4) Default Browser (Mozilla Firefox): Browse the web with Mozilla Firefox, a fast and privacy-focused web browser.

5) Basic System Usage: Familiarize yourself with system navigation, file manipulation, software installation, and package management using Pacman.

6) Customizing TCET Linux: Tailor your system to your liking by changing themes, icons, and installing additional software packages through the pacman package manager.

System Administration

1) User Management: Learn to create, modify, and manage user accounts for a personalized computing environment.

2) Package Management (Pacman): Explore Pacman, the package manager for Arch-based distributions. Install, update, and remove software packages with ease.

3) Networking Configuration: Configure network settings, connect to Wi-Fi, and troubleshoot network issues.

4) Security Guidelines: Discover essential security practices to protect your system from threats and vulnerabilities.

5) Troubleshooting Tips: Troubleshoot common issues with our troubleshooting guide and seek help from the TCET Linux community.

Development and Customization

1) Building Custom Packages: Explore how to build custom package and build your own package.

2) Customizing XFCE: Personalize your desktop environment with themes, icons, and keyboard shortcuts.

Community and Support

Join the TCET Linux discord server to connect with fellow users, report bugs, and seek help. Engage with a supportive community dedicated to making your TCET Linux experience exceptional.

Contributing to TCET Linux

Interested in contributing to TCET Linux development? Check our development guidelines, learn how to submit patches, and explore opportunities to join the TCET Linux team.


You can visit to some learning resources listed on Resource Page of TCET Linux documentation.


  • Glossary: Find explanations for common Linux and TCET Linux terms.
  • References: Access additional resources and documentation for further learning.
  • Changelog: Stay informed about TCET Linux updates and improvements.
  • License Information: Understand the licensing terms for TCET Linux components.

TCET Linux empowers users with a powerful, flexible, and efficient Linux distribution tailored to diverse needs. With this documentation, you have the resources to harness the full potential of TCET Linux and embark on a journey of exploration, customization, and productivity. Welcome to the TCET Linux community!