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Category in Sidebars

Adding categories in sidebars

To add the category of the Docs and Blog items in the sidebar, we modified the sidebar.js file in the root directory of our project.

Here's how we made those changes:

  1. Opening the sidebars.js file in our projects's root directory.

  2. To add a new category, we first created an array docs, in which we created an object with the type property set to 'category', the label prperty set to the name of the 'category'.

    const sidebars = 
    type: 'category',
    label: 'Category',
    // Other sidebar properties
    // Other sidebar properties
    module.exports = sidebars;
  3. Adding the different categories and labels in our sidebars.js file.

    const sidebars = 
    type: 'category',
    label: 'Projects',
    // Other sidebar properties
    module.exports = sidebars;

With this we were able to add different categories in our website's sidebars.

After completing the sidebar categories of TCET Open Source website, we then shifted our focus to review and organize the items within each category.