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Title and Logo in Navbar

Using Navbars

To change the value of the title and logo in the navbar function, we need to edit the themeConfig object in the docusaurus.config.js file of our project.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how we made those changes:

  1. Opening the docusaurus.config.js file in our project's root directory.

  2. Locating the themeConfig object within the file. It should be defined as follows:

    themeConfig: {
    // Your theme configuration goes here
  3. To change the title of the navbar, we located the title property within the navbar object, and updated its value to the desired title:

    navbar: {
    // Other navbar properties go here
    title: 'TCET Open Source',
    // Other navbar properties go here
  4. To change the logo of the navbar, we located the logo object within the navbar object, and updated its src and alt properties to the desired logo image and alt text:

    navbar: {
    // Other navbar properties go here
    logo: {
    alt: 'TCET Open Source Logo',
    src: 'img/logo.png',
    // Other navbar properties go here

    In our case we had the logo of our website at /img/logo.png

  5. Save the docusaurus.config.js file.

  6. Run yarn start or npm start to see the changes reflected in your local development environment.

With the title and logo completed, it's time we move onto adding items to our navbar.