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A detailed overview on using Navbar in our Documentation Website.

The Navbar in our TCET Open Source is a responsive navigation bar that provides easy access to different sections of our documentation website. It is typically located at the top of the page and contains links to important pages such as the Home page, Documentation, Blog, and Search function. Navbars can also include drop-down menus to organize and categorize your content.


🛃 CustomizabilityDocusaurus provides a variety of configuration options for navbars, including the ability to customize the color scheme, logo, and menu items.
🧿 Responsive designNavbars in Docusaurus are designed to be responsive, meaning they can adapt to different screen sizes and devices. This ensures that your website is accessible and easy to use on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
🧩 Easy integration with MarkdownDocusaurus is built using Markdown, a lightweight markup language that is easy to learn and use. Navbars can be easily integrated into Markdown files using simple syntax.
🔍 Search functionalityNavbars in Docusaurus can include a search bar, allowing users to easily search for content on your website.
📝 Localization supportDocusaurus supports localization, allowing you to create multilingual documentation websites. Navbars can be customized for different languages and locales.


If you're looking for more information and detailed references on navbars in Docusaurus, we would recommend checking out the official Docusaurus documentation's API navbar page

Great, now we will be heading to learn about configuring the title and logo of the navbar in our website.